Philosophical TV ads

I wouldn’t say this is a new phenomenon. I have noticed of late that a few companies are taking up the baton. In particular, a mobile phone ad utilising the life of a mayfly. The ad tells us that a mayfly lives for one day. In that day it fits in a (human) lifetime of activities. Mating and courtship are heavily featured. I find this ad quite cheap. I feel it is designed for a young teen. Advertising inference – “Spend more on your mobile calls, and live more”.

There is an ad that has piqued my fancy, however. It is a plane company offering ‘a different way of life’. Of course it is all rubbish. It is just another plane company. I am intrigued by the methods used to sell. This ad features a young lad breaking out of the package that is his life. Ahead, he can see his future packages. Wife and two kids, teenage daughter, mid-life crisis and twilight years. It is an anti-ad. I believe it appeals to the aspects in me that detest advertising. I have seen many anti-ads before, but this one strikes me. More on this later.

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